15-Minute Stress-Relief Yoga Session With Phyllicia Bonanno

The Flat Belly Code

The Mindset of Training and Nutrition

In order to successfully reach your fitness and health related goals, one must train the mind. Every day, millions of people make their way to fitness facilities for countless one hour training sessions, yet never see results. Why is that?

Healthy Foods For Best Brain Health: Whole Grains, Green Leafy Vegetables And Fruits

The formula that improves brain health is the same as that for the body. There is nothing more basic and simple than feeding on whole grains, green leafy vegetables and fruits. A hearty whole grain bread by Liesbeth Smit is made from 4 different types of whole grain flour: buckwheat, barley, rye and wheat. Perhaps these grains may be substituted by less familiar but equally nutritious, tested and tried foods like fonio, sorghum and teff for some variety in your diet. Further, dark green leafy vegetables are good sources of vitamin E, and folate that helps break down an amino acid responsible for brain shrinkage. Leafy greens also contain essential amino acids and is a great source of vitamin K, which enhances cognitive function and improves brainpower. As it is, the natural fruit sugars can stimulate your brain. For instance, avocados improve blood and oxygen flow to your brain, Healthy unsaturated fats in avocados help keep your brain cell membranes flexible while vitamin E lowers risk of developing Alzheimer’s. The safou or butterfruit protects your brain with abundant powerful antioxidants like from damage by free radicals. More importantly, its store of magnesium boosts the nerves function and enhances brain health.

The Undiluted Truth of Noni Juice

The noni fruit, scientifically known as morinda citrifolia, is a tree that belongs to the coffee family. It grows most commonly in tropical climates, such as but not limited to Southeast Asia, certain regions of India, and Tahiti. The fruit-bearing tree grows extraordinarily well in these climates, so much that it may even be considered a nuisance plant to some farmers.

Meal Replacement Shakes Are Here to Stay

Diet fads come and go so often that it’s hard to keep up with it all sometimes. Most famously, to name a few, the Atkins diet, the Paleo diet, and the Slim Fast diet. The concept is simple enough: Stick to a routine, and before you know it, you’ll be healthy and fit.

Taking Small Positive Steps In Your Daily Nutrition

In order to make positive progress towards an appropriate nutritional menu that’s conducive to weight loss, start off by making small positive steps. There is no need to jump off the high dive the first time you get in the pool. Let’s just get the feet wet first and take it from there. You don’t need to go from one extreme to the other. For instance, if you’ve been eating fast food practically everyday, you don’t need to tell yourself you’re not allowed to ever touch that stuff again. Read More…

Eat Your Way to Better Health

Eating healthy does not mean that you have to deprive yourself of foods that you love, or impose strict dietary limitations and remain thin. It simply means to increase your energy levels, improve you outlook by feeling positive and stabilize your moods. Do not feel overwhelmed by all the ‘expert’ advice that you hear. Read on to find some great ways to improve your dietary habits and attain good heath as a bonus.

The Nutrition Table for Athletes

Athletes spend so much time and effort on their training yet they often negate much of its possible benefits when they ignore their nutrition. The type of food, timing and grouping of nutrients are all key components in creating an ideal meal plan that allows athletes to optimize their performance and health.

About A Bulletproof Life, What Is It And How Can It Help Me?

When people hear about A Bulletproof Life a lot of them think of the book. It’s a good book but it’s also the 5 F’s. This explains it.

Easy Tips For Improving Your Nutrition With Juicing!

When juicing for health, the most effective ingredients you can use are greens like spinach, kale, broccoli, parsley, chard and the like. To get the most benefits, use at least 50% green vegetables in your juice drink.

Fall Foods to Promote Wellness

With the fall season near at hand, there are a variety of exciting super foods that will be available from the garden, as well as local markets and grocers. Here are some of our favorites!

Nutrition Specialists: Perfect Diet Chart To Control Diseases

The drastic change in the lifestyle has given birth to various diseases that are spoiling the health standards. Some of the most popular diseases that are ruining the lives of millions of people are diabetes, obesity, blood pressure and various others.

Healthy Meal Ideas: Green Herbs For Laksa Soup And Pasta Dishes

Cooking a dish to perfection is getting hold of the mix and match secrets of herbs. There is, for instance, to create the quintessential sweet and spicy taste of coconut milk in curry laksa soup, or the sour and spicy flavor of the tamarind version, you need at least 8 herbs, including the garnish. In both laksa cases, the dominant strong-flavored herb root is ginger while the rest is a mixture of medium and mild-flavored herbs. As for pasta dishes, the herb requirement is derived from four recipes: ‘Pasta with Pesto and Fresh Herbs’ from ‘Good Food’ magazine, ‘Pasta with Spring Herbs’ of Martha Stewart, ‘Lemon Pasta with Herbs and Cracked Pepper’ from Delia’s vegetarian collection, and ‘Garlic Butter Spaghetti with Herbs’ of Lindsay Ostrom. It is found that, for pastas, you will need either all green herbs or a mixture of bulbous and green herbs. Only one strong-flavored herb, sage or basil is included while the remaining herbs are either medium or delicate-flavored. The point is you must strike a balance among the different flavors of herbs.

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