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All Green Leafy Vegetables Make Healthy Food Choices

Green leafy vegetables are tops in making healthy food choices. Vegetables are good for you because of the very structure and use of chlorophyll that keep you alive. Other health benefits include weight loss and good eyesight. Further, leafy greens can also accommodate the dietary needs of diabetes sufferers and reduce cancer risk as well. All these benefits are possible owing to the rich, health-promoting content of vitamins, minerals antioxidants and fiber found in vegetables.

Amazing Health Benefits Of Garlic and Shallots Make The Culinary World Go Round

The garlic and shallots share many similar health promoting properties. Firstly, their beauty promoting properties are solutions for problems related to your face, hair, body and skin. Secondly, their vision-promoting properties make them good eye-foods that can be incorporated into diet plans. Thirdly, their bone-promoting properties will help you overcome your joint bone aches. Fourthly, their brain promoting properties can be traced to the folic acid content. Thus, despite the size of the garlic and shallots, they rank high in terms of their health benefits.

What To Do If You’re Bored With Water

Water is my drink of choice – I drink it when I am thirsty and I drink it when I am sad, I drink it first thing in the morning and right before I go to bed. Honestly life without water would make for a much (excuse the pun) drier existence. My love for water keeps me away from the perils of fizzy drinks or caffeine loaded alternatives.

8 Best Herbs and Spices to Fight Inflammation

For centuries, herbs and spices have been used as a potent remedy for inflammation. The write-up briefly discusses the medicinal properties of 8 magical herbs and spices, and their overall health benefits.

Dining Out: Foods To Avoid With High Cholesterol, Ulcer Or Belly Fat

When dining out, it is good to order good healthy food so that it will be a good eating experience for you. For diners with high cholesterol, the foods to avoid are deep-fried foods, especially vegetables fried in thick batter. As for those prone to ulcers, it is best to avoid spicy foods like hot chilli peppers. Those with belly fat should steer clear of thick sauces and gravies and opt for gravies prepared with gluten-free flour and natural flavoring ingredients.

Anything But Bitter Health Benefits Of The Bitter Gourd

You should not be put off by the bitterness of bitter gourd; it will grow on you and you will get to like it. The bitter gourd has your best health interests at heart and is nutritious to boot. It has more beta-carotene than carrots, more calcium than spinach and more potassium than bananas. Besides, It detoxifies your body, promotes better digestive health and eyesight as well as lays an anti-diabetic foundation firmly in your life.

The Healing Power of Juices

When I look at some Web sites dealing with health, I’m amazed at how little is said about the nourishment and healing effects of freshly-made juices. As a teen-ager I was able to avoid acne and other problems because I made carrot juice and other vegetable juices on my family’s juicer. At first we had a nice Oster centrifugal juicer; later we got a Champion, which looks like a meat grinder, thoroughly masticates (chews) the vegetables, produces a rich juice, and expels the pulp.

7 Disgusting Hidden Ingredients You’re Eating On A Regular Basis

A hundred voices echo across social media these days, demanding clearer and more honest food labelling. Simultaneously the movement to produce and consume more natural and preservative free food continues to gain momentum. Truly this decade seems to be the time where we might find our way back to eating food, and not food like products.

Best Benefits of Alkaline Water at a Glance

If you are keen on maintaining health, flushing toxins and losing weight, alkaline water can be your best friend. Read on to find some great reasons.

Garlic and Onion Health Benefits Are Life-Sustaining – What About Green Garlic And Green Onion?

The health benefits of the garlic and onions are evident if they are eaten daily. While the garlic is a sure remedy for your stomach, lungs and heart problems; the onion, is for your heart, eyes and joints. This is due to the powerful antioxidant properties of the two bulbous herbs. Further, green onion and green garlic make good substitutes for both the bulbs; and they add value to meals. Finally, pickled garlic and an oven-roasted onion recipes have also been included.

The Worst Nutrition Advice You Can Follow

Learn one of the biggest nutrition mistakes of all time! You WILL fail if you make this mistake.

Coriander Leaf Zest And Ginger Root Zing Bring Numerous Health Benefits

The coriander is a good green herb to start with in your cooking; while the ginger root herb has long been in use for culinary purposes. Further, there are two types of coriander: the small -seeded coriander is more fragrant than the big-seeded counterpart; though the former can only be sourced from the market, while the latter, from the supermarket. As for recipes, the coriander is mainly used as dips and sprinkles to liven up dishes; and is highly recommended for juicing. Previously, sliced ginger root may be eaten with coconut meat as snacks; whereas nowadays, ginger juice added to hot sweetened milk, makes delicious puddings. Most importantly, the health benefits of coriander are targeted for your eyes, bones and skin. Ginger benefits your body in absorbing the needed nutrients for proper functioning; it keeps you from the flu and colds; and is especially good for women in confinement.

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