30-Minute Live Sweat Box Workout With Christa DiPaolo

Your FAQs on Eating Nuts

Here are some of the commonly asked questions on nuts as a foodstuff. Before starting, we’d like to confirm that what follows is NOT QUALIFIED MEDICAL ADVICE. If you’re having health problems and believe that your diet may help or indeed make them worse, you must speak with your doctor!

Ultimate Benefit Of Eating Dry Fruits On An Empty Stomach

Dry fruits are rich in minerals and proteins and can benefit our body if eaten on empty stomach. It is recommended to eat a handful of dry fruits daily in order to stay fit. There is a huge variety of dry fruits that are available in the market such as Cashews, Nuts, Almonds, and Walnuts etc.

Maintaining a Healthy Lifestyle For The Rest of Your Life

A healthy lifestyle encompasses all of the components of healthy living, eating food which your body finds highly nutritious, exercising the body on a consistent basis, getting enough rest and sleep, drinking plenty of fresh water etc. The real way to maintain that kind of lifestyle is to take action on all of those things above on a consistent basis. There’s no point in just having one healthy meal every now and again then the rest of the time eating frozen and processed foods.

Amazing Coconut Oil, a True Super Food

Coconut oil has come on the scene in the recent past as one of nature’s true super foods. The myriad of uses for this amazing oil is truly astonishing and the many health benefits make it a product everyone should have in their kitchen.

Yummy Spa Water

They say you should drink eight glasses of water a day. It’s a lot more fun if you spruce up that plain old water and make it into something fabulous.

Type 2 Diabetes and Healthy Eating – Are You Eating One Continuous Daily Meal?

Some people say it is best to eat two or three main meals a day. You might agree with them if you don’t believe several smaller meals are the way to go. There is an idea going around suggesting breaking up all your main meals into smaller portions. This idea is supposed to be a superior way to manage your food intake because it is suggested eating many smaller meals will keep your metabolism active. Eating smaller meals often each day is one of the most mistaken widespread beliefs regarding nutrition in recent memory. But we digress.

Is Nutrition Really 70% of Your Fitness Success?

General sayings and quotes are pervasive within the fitness community. Some do a great job of giving the public some guidance, while some in my humble opinion lead to more confusion. I address one of these sayings in this article which has to do with nutrition being the key to fitness success for everyone.

Nuts Are Protein? The Myth That Won’t Die

For some reason, people continue to think of nuts as protein foods. But they’re not, and the nut numbers show this. Isn’t it time to face fats?

How to Live a Healthy Lifestyle While Having Fun

Individuals are constantly asking me how I keep my figure. Dieting is not my thing, I just like to live a healthy lifestyle eating & doing things that I enjoy. Because I get asked so many questions about my secrets I decided to put together an article today on some of the ways I live a healthy lifestyle by doing the things that I love.

Healthy Eating – The Trap Of Chronic Dieting

One thing you must be aware of as you set out to lose weight and improve your health is chronic dieting. What is chronic dieting and could it be impacting you? Let’s take a closer look…

Nutritious and Delicious Food Recipes for Toddlers

It is important to know and respect your child’s likes and preferences while preparing a meal plan for them.It is good to involve children every once in a while to choose and prepare their own meals.

A Few Healthy Snack Ideas for Toddlers

Snacking between meals is important but it is also important to eat the right food and not binge on empty calories. It’s not easy to please a child, especially when it comes to food.

The Flat Belly Code

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