After week 1 of the #HK10in10Challenge here are my results #weightloss #shorts

The Flat Belly Code

Do Weight Loss Hypnosis Programs Really Work?

Imagine yourself in a dark room with a man swinging a pocket watch in front of you and he instructs you to look straight into the gold watch as it swings like a pendulum in front of your eyes, you feel somewhat strange and drowsy and all of a sudden he snaps his finger and you wake up and you no longer wish to smoke. As an added bonus, you no longer wish to drink alcohol or do drugs or overeat.

What Is the 500 Calorie Diet?

If you have been trying to lose weight for a while, it is likely that you have encountered dozens of fad diets programs. The cabbage soup, the master cleanser, and all sorts of hunger driven diets that promise to make you lean within weeks.

Commuter Diet – The New Diet Whilst on the Move

Have you ever felt that you never have time to eat whilst commuting to work? Just picking up a quick snack for breakfast with a regular coffee? A new trend is building and becoming the Commuter Diet- the quick fix diet whilst on the move.

10 Reasons You Should Hire a Coach to Create Your Meal Plan

Have you ever tried to go your meal plan alone? There’s a reason you can’t stay on track and it’s not your fault.

The Most Common Bariatric Surgery Procedures

Bariatric surgery is a potentially life-saving technique for seriously obese patients who suffer from conditions that make regular diet and exercise an insufficient treatment. Learn about how it can improve the quality of life for you or a loved one that suffers from obesity.

How You Can Change Unhealthy Eating Habits With Hypnosis

There’s been a lot in the news about obesity in this country. The cover of a recent Newsweek magazine had a picture of a baby holding French fries. The caption read: When I grow up I’m going to be 300 pounds. Help!

3 Healthy Ways To Lose Weight Without Dieting!

A lot of people try to lose weight by doing extreme diets. Discover in 3 basic steps what you can do to lose weight without dieting.

The Common Uses of Garcinia Cambogia

Garcinia cambogia is a natural product produced from the tamarind fruit, which resembles a tiny pumpkin. The fruit contains tons of anti-oxidants and other ingredients that play an important role in combating fat. Furthermore, the fruit helps to reduce the effects of aging.

What Is a Colon Detox, or Colon Cleanse?

There are mixed opinions about the colon cleanse method to detoxify the body. One school of thought thinks that the colon is naturally designed to eliminate toxins so there is no need for a colon cleanse. The other school believes that the colon needs a little help from time to time to function properly and keep up with good work of keeping the body free of toxins.

What Is A Master Cleanse Diet?

As its very name suggest, the master cleanse is one of the supreme detox diets that one can go through to regain good health. The diet has been around since the 1940s and has been a time-tested method to detoxify the body and flush out all the unwanted toxins from within. Despite the fame and name it is a very simple diet to follow which makes it easy for all to incorporate and get effective results. The juice fast method is as effective as a detox diet as it is for a weight loss program. Stanley Burroughs, who introduced this diet to the world, believed that one can be free of diseases easily. All it needs is a simple diet and determination to go through with it.

Tips And Exercises For Flat Abs For Women

We live in something of an unfair world when it comes to how the human body is perceived. While not at all healthy, it is considered fine that a man have a beer gut, but those same rules do not apply to women. They are expected to always have a nicely toned, flat belly in order to be considered attractive. The playing field gets further muddied when you consider that women often have to contend with getting their belly back in shape after having a child, which is no easy feat in itself. Here are some tips for the women out there to get in shape.

Worried About Being Overweight-Try Green Bean Coffee Extracts

Over a third of all Americans suffer from the problem of obesity. Men, women and in a number of cases, children too are affected by this problem. Physicians have now described this problem as an epidemic, which needs immediate attention.

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