BEST BAKED TURKEY MEATBALLS | easy, healthy meatball recipe

Hormones and Pesticides for Dinner

Would you like some growth hormones with your dinner? Would you like some antibiotics with your burger?

Whey Beyond the Facts

Whey protein is popping up everywhere from smoothies to cereal and even cookies. But, what exactly is whey protein and why is it so popular?

Are You A Natural Meat-Eater?

This article asks the question, Are You a Natural Meat-Eater? and is that a healthy and natural eating style for humans? Hopefully this article will provide the readers with enough information to answer those questions.

Who Is Responsible for Your Personal Health?

Are you concerned about high blood pressure and heart disease? Do you have the courage to change your diet?

Do You Have What It Takes to Be a Carnivore?

Is your body designed to eat, digest and eliminate meat? Is your dietary preference killing you?

Cancer for Dinner

How does a cow come to be beef? How does beef come to be cancer?

Offering and Choosing a Juicer for Your Loved Ones

Holiday season has finally arrived and it is currently time to begin looking for gifts for your loved ones. Finding gifts for folks we care about is typically the toughest task. We have a tendency to forever wish our gift to be the perfect one. We would like it to be a present that our darling ones can relish, one thing that they actually need, a present that may have a positive impact on their life.

How to Get the Most From Our Fruits and Vegetables

We won’t go into a long dissertation here about the value that comes from eating fruits and vegetables. What we will talk about is an excellent way to get the most nutrition from these two important food groups. Many people won’t eat a variety of vegetables because they either don’t like the taste or that roughage doesn’t really agree with them.

How To Get Your Diet Back On Track

Countless well meaning individuals eat and exercise well and get into a great routine and then something happens. It could be anything from a night out, a flat tyre, a holiday, Christmas! Anyway this event throws out your healthy eating plan/regime sometimes only for 1 day but it can have a big effect.

What You Should Know About the Amazing Properties of Omega-3

It is, indeed, amazing what omega-3 can do for your health. Yet, strangely, it wasn’t until the 1970’s that scientists discovered how helpful it could be. It all began with a study of the Greenland Eskimos; scientists noticed that they had very little heart disease, and were almost free of arthritis. And the reason was that their diet contained a large amount of fish, and this fish contained the fatty acid omega-3.

Should We Worry About Vitamin D?

For most of us, it is hard to not notice the recent hype about the rampancy of vitamin D insufficiency or deficiency among Indians. Some may have already found that they are deficient and probably quite badly so. So what has happened in the recent past for this sudden increase in numbers? Are these numbers right? Should we worry? What about children?

Having Fun and Good Health Through the Holidays – Eating Well

There can be a number of challenges around eating well through the holidays. Your place of work may be well stocked with food gifts from vendors, cookies brought from colleagues, candy around each corner and of course the lunches, happy hours and holiday parties that you may be obligated to attend. In addition, your social calendar may be fuller than usual due to dinners and parties with friends and family.

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