Ep 6 – Polenta Grits & Holding Family Members Accountable

The Flat Belly Code

Whole Grains And Reduced Risk Of Cancer

Cancer as reported is the second leading cause of illness and death in the United States claiming an estimated 550,000 lives each year, translated as more than 1,500 lives lost each day. The sad news, one third of these deaths are diet related. As with CHD (cardiovascular Heart Disease), there is strong epidemiologic (epidemic diseases) evidence that the consumption of whole grains reduces risk of many types of cancer.

Lose Weight Quickly – Surprise The World

In today’s busy world, many people try to figure out how to go about getting fit and getting thin, but it’s not as simple as most professionals make it out to be. Stay up late on any given night and you’ll see millions of commercials play on this idea that if you simply buy the next product you’re going to lose all the weight in the world and be a super human person.

Can Hypnosis Really Help You Lose Weight?

Hypnosis is a natural state, not voodoo. You actually get in and out of a hypnotic state every day. A hypnotic stat is also called a trance state.

The Danger Of Rapid Weight Loss

Most people who want to lose weight, want it to happen quickly and as easy as possible. After all the very thing that makes us gain weight does so because of the pleasure of eating. And weight loss is seen as painful. So the faster you can lose that extra weight the better, right? Wrong! Fast weight loss is simply a recipe for long term failure. When you do a radical low calorie diet, or extensive fasting your body believes it’s in danger. In the early days of hunter gatherers, people lived a life of feast or famine.

Can You Lose Weight Without Exercise? Your Weight Loss Questions Answered

So what do you think – Can you lose weight without exercise? In brief, yes, this is certainly possible. You just have to follow the basic weight loss formula.

The Fast Diet

You know people ask me about all kinds of diets. The Grapefruit Diet, the Atkins Diet, the Palm Beach Diet, the Mediterranean Diet, and the list goes on. These days the questions are about the fast diet currently the diet of the day that is popular in Britain. The diet like many of the country’s exports is growing in popularity here in the United States. I don’t endorse a particular diet, but I do try to give you the skinny on what a particular diet is all about.

Six Highly Nutritious Vegetables

By incorporating more fresh vegetables into your diet you will be improving your overall health. Vegetables contain a number of vitamins and minerals that your body needs in order to function correctly.

Garcinia Cambogia, What Is It And Can It Work For You?

Hailed The Holy Grail Of Weight Loss, can this small tamarind type fruit known as Garcinia Cambogia really have a dramatic effect on weight loss? Since its introduction to the weight loss market at the end of 2012, demand for the extract from this tiny fruit, particularly in the USA has almost outstripped supply, so what is all the fuss about?

Healthy Breakfast Foods for Vegetarians

Vegetarians, because of what they eliminate from their diet, have to make special considerations in their diet. With the foods they do eat they must make sure they are getting the proper nutrition, and it is always better to get our nutrition through diet than supplementation. Here we will talk about five foods typically eaten at breakfast that can be consumed by most vegetarian diets (not of course vegan diets), and the high nutrition they all have:

7 Great Energy Boosters That You Can Reach For Daily

What’s the healthy choice when you’re desperate for more energy?? Check out our tips in healthy weight loss management for powering up your energy levels when you’re feeling zapped.

Facts About Fat-Burning

So many people want to lose weight so they can be able to see their six-packs once more or perhaps see them for the first time ever. With the multitude of myths surrounding weight loss, it can be a head-spinning ordeal separating fact from fiction. Read on to learn exactly what you need to do in order to achieve that lean and mean physique that’s been yearning to come out.

The Fast Way To Burn Fat in These Modern Times

There are a lot of opinions on the matter of good health and wellness. You might see it advertised all the time online and through television programs, but the truth of the matter is simple, you’ll need to do more than just sit around the house or going to work and then sleeping. This is not to say that you need to be the next big marathon runner, but you’ll need to be active and add a little bit of lifestyle change to your routine.

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