Healthy Cod Cakes that Aren’t Dry!

53 High-Quality, Low-Calorie Proteins

Protein was a huge part of my 100-pound weight loss and It’s critical to muscle strength and overall health. I’ve put together a list of 53 choices with their calorie counts and total grams of protein as your go-to resource for all things protein.

Can Almonds Help You Manage Weight?

Almonds are good source of proteins and fibre. They are good to keep you fit and healthy, but can they help you with your weight…

5 Reasons Why You Should Use Refrigerator Magnets

Regardless of how you accumulate your stash of refrigerator magnets, the important thing to note is they can really be put to good use if you take the right approach and stick with it on a regular basis. You’ll soon see how easy it can be to put these refrigerator magnets to excellent use and will actually come to rely on these useful handy tools to keep you focused on your overall health and fitness goals. Here are 5 reasons why you should use refrigerator magnets on a regular, if not daily, basis.

7 Healthy Eating Mistakes To Avoid When Trying To Lose Weight

When you’re making the effort to eating healthy it’s very easy to make mistakes regarding your nutrition and diet. Make sure you are not making these 7 healthy eating mistakes when your trying to lose weight.

5 Weight Loss Diet Tips That Get Results!

A healthy weight loss diet means not only looking at what you eat now but also how you adapt your lifestyle for the long-term. Here are 5 weight loss diet tips that, if followed, will give the results you want.

5 Paleo Diet Tips To Help You Succeed Easier

If you are new to the paleo diet, don’t worry, there is plenty of help available. This is one of the most popular diets in the world and there are plenty of great resources available to make sure you succeed. Understanding how to make the right choices to help your body take full advantage of this simple and realistic diet is a great place to start. This article will explore 5 simple tips to help anybody who is new to the paleo lifestyle. Let’s dig in and start living healthy and clean from today on.

How’s the Weight Loss Process Going So Far For You?

If you’ve already tried to lose weight but haven’t had much success yet, don’t get down on yourself. Most people who attempt to tackle this issue have troubles and often need to start over a number of times before they get it right. If this is the case don’t beat yourself up if you happen to encounter issues. You should actually be complemented since you’re not giving up and are willing to give it another go. Therefore if you’re reflecting on how the weight loss process is going so far, here are some important points to address and keep in mind.

Choosing A Weight Loss Patch You Can Rely On

Weight loss patches are relatively new diet product type considered to be safe and effective in aiding weight loss. The patches are said to offer effective and fast results in the safest way and the market has different brands. If you are looking for a simple way to lose weight, then the patches could come handy, but then you ought to make a very informed decision before settling for a particular brand. Below are some of the things you should look at when selecting the patch for your weight loss program.

Time To Start The Healthy Water Habit

One aspect of the weight loss process that often gets overlooked is improving the choices of beverages consumed throughout the day. Many people forget the fact that soda, juice, energy drinks, and especially alcoholic beverages all have a particular calorie count. That calorie total depends on the type and size of the drink in question. This is why it’s crucial you develop the healthy water habit.

How to Avoid Weight Gain After Weight Loss Surgery?

With the essence of weight loss surgery increasing every morning, the surgical solution to obesity has become a recommended treatment for obese patients. Millions of people undergo a bariatric surgery and lose immense weight. However, some of these people regain weight a few months or years after the treatment.

The Number One Diet Myth and How To Avoid It

Many people go through a cycle of diet, restriction, weight loss, deprivation, binge eating, and weight gain. When the weight gain happens, they may be quick to blame themselves for not having enough willpower. But in reality, the diet is the problem! The diet is what actually causes the weight gain.

Using The Law of Attraction To Lose Weight

Being overweight is a problem facing a considerable number of people across the world. It is partly contributed by the change in lifestyle and wrong eating habits. And as the problem continues to become more rampant even in developing countries, some weight loss ideas and programs provided by nutritionists, however, have not been so effective. But could it be because of the mindset of partakers?

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