HOW TO STOP OVEREATING | 4 ways to stop eating so much

Benefits of a High to Full Raw Vegan Diet Plus Motivation Tips!

This article discusses the benefits of a high or full raw vegan diet. As well, some effective tips to stay motivated are discussed.

6 Foods to Help Reduce Stress

There is no doubt about it, we all lead stressful lives. Work, family, finances, traffic, even the television shows we watch contribute to our daily stress levels. All of these little stresses can take a toll on our bodies leaving us tired, irritable, unable to concentrate and even open us up to illness.

The Whole Food and Juicing Benefit

“The news isn’t that fruits and vegetables are good for you, it’s that they are so good for you they could save your life.” TIME Magazine, Oct. 2003. Whole food supplementation is an inexpensive way to help you and your family bridge the gap between what you should eat and actually do eat, every day. Many people eating heaps of fruits and vegetables tell us, eating this way has also helped them make other healthy changes – something we call the “Fruit and Vegetable Effect.” Whole food supplementation is the next best thing to fruits and vegetables.

The Top Foods For Fat Loss

Top fat loss Foods – Newly Discovered Foods that Encourage Fat Loss Everyone want to lose weight fast. However, with so many choices in food products today, it can be hard to know what is actually working with your body to produce good results.

This Is How You Can Be the Youngest, Leanest, Hottest Version of Yourself!

This article discusses the physical benefits of a high or full raw vegan diet. Some of the benefits are slowing and reversing aging, losing weight, and developing clear and radiant skin.

From the Biggest Foodie and Food Addict – If I Can Do It, So Can You! My Raw Vegan Journey

I discuss my personal raw vegan struggles and benefits. As well, I go into the simple secret to achieving any goal.

Fatigued And Overweight To High Energy And A Healthy Weight

In this article, I’ll reveal how I went from being fatigued and overweight to having high energy and a healthy weight. But look, it wasn’t always like this. In fact, it all started when I was having frequent UTI’s and was booked for bladder surgery.

How to Plan a Healthy Menu

We know that failing to plan is planning to fail, so we know the importance of simple menu planning can make the day a little more timely and efficient as well as setting you up for success as far as sticking to your healthy eating plan. While simply taking the steps to start planning is the first thing to think about, there are a few tips we can share to keep up variety and lessen boredom with your menu. Choose dishes and recipes that you know you will enjoy at…

Sweet Tooth or Sugar Addiction: What’s the Difference? (And There Is One!)

A liking for sweet foods, sometimes called a sweet tooth, is common. For some people, though, sugar is addictive and its consumption compulsive. This article explores the phenomenon of sugar addiction through the DSM-5 criteria for substance abuse.

Want A Healthier And Fitter You, Make It A Habit

I get asked pretty regularly about my eating and fitness routines, and while discipline and motivation may be the initial stimuli to healthy living it is actually making it a habit that should get all the credit for its long-term success. Your first reaction to that opening statement if you are like most of us is “Well that is all fine and dandy but who has the time to make it a habit? I work, I have a family and the holidays are here!

The Best, Easiest, Simplest, and Healthiest Raw Vegan Recipes for Your Busy Life

When it comes to what is the healthiest raw vegan foods or just food in general, the simpler the better. This is because digestion takes up less energy and nutrients are absorbed better. You will have more energy eating this way plus it is less time-consuming.

On the Menu: Cancer-Fighting Super Foods

Researchers are finding that Mother Nature loaded many of her best cancer-fighting weapons in the foods we eat. Though no panacea exists-no single fruit or vegetable that can deliver total protection against cancer-studies show diets rich in particular foods may help lower our risk. Here is a list of foods to include in your meal plans.

The Flat Belly Code

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