INDIAN FOOD MUKBANG (vegan) / Munching Mondays Ep.107

Diet Industry Lies That Make You Overweight

The Diet/Medical Industry has MYTH-led the public to believe that losing weight is imperative for health, and the only way to accomplish it is by eating less and exercising more. The only problem is: both statements are completely false.

How Your Beliefs Can Affect Your Weight Management

When we decide to do something positive about anything at all, immediately our subconscious mind tries to take control. Our minds are conditioned by beliefs that we build up during our lifetimes and this conditioning can block our attempts to change. In other words what we believe can become limiting when trying to reach our goals. Could it be your limiting beliefs that are holding back your dreams of a slimmer you?

Medical Weight Loss Benefits

Being overweight or obese is something very common in this modern age. According to the statistics of 2013, about one-third of the United States population is obese. This is an extremely unhealthy condition because it can potentially trigger diseases as serious as heart problems, cancer, liver problems, gynecological problems, hypertension, type 2 diabetes and several other horrible problems.

How To Know If A Cellulite Program Is Right For You Or Not – 5 Easy Tricks

Cellulite, also known as the orange peel syndrome, is a cosmetic problem that lies skin deep. The skin develops a puckered appearance because of fatty deposits pushing against the connective tissue. Poor diet, a sedentary lifestyle, dehydration, a sluggish metabolism and hormonal changes are causes of this unsightly skin condition.

Are You Ready For The New You?

If permanent weight loss is your goal, your key to success is not a diet. Instead, you need to focus on several little things that you can easily do every day. The following tips focus on the two cardinal rules of weight loss: eat fewer calories and burn more calories. Follow them, and your weight will go down.

7 Mistakes People Make When Trying To Get 6 Pack Abs Fast

Many struggle to get rid of fatty bulges and sculpt their body despite regular exercise and dietary restrictions. As we are all aware, there is a right and wrong way of doing things. Wrong exercises and poor diet structures are two primary reasons for delayed results. Since most of us workout alone with little or no expert guidance, we fail to detect the faults in our approach.

Tips On How To Know If A Cellulite Program Review Is Fake Or True

Cellulite is one of the most frustrating cosmetic problems prevalent in women. Also known as adiposis edematosa, cellulite is a condition characterized by a buildup of fatty deposits below the surface of the skin. It is commonly observed on the thighs, arms, stomach and buttocks. It has an uneven texture that resembles the puckered texture of an orange peel. Hence, it is also called the orange peel syndrome.

Easy Ways To Lose Belly Fat Starting Today

Excess belly fat is not only unhealthy, but it can make your clothes look lumpy and bumpy. It can also hang over your belt and embarrass you. But you don’t have to live with a bulging waistline if you’re willing to do something about it.

Colonics and Why You Should Get One

For those who are unclear what a colonic is, its is the processes of cleansing the colon so that you can improve your body’s overall health and wellness. Colon cleansing can even help reduce the risk of colon cancer. Also, it’s time we rid the stereotype that only old people get colonics… because it’s not true. People of all ages that have digestive issues can receive a colonic.

Weight Loss Tools: Weight Loss Percentage Calculator

Do you want to start losing weight, but you’re not sure how to start, how much or how little to eat, and you don’t really know how long it will take? There are some pretty simple weight loss percentage calculations you can use to get the answers you need!

Weight Loss Drinks: Sneaking Water Past Your Taste Buds

We know, we know, you are sick and tired of hearing everybody tell you to drink more water! Before you stop reading, please just hear us out.

The Importance of Self Esteem for Successful Weight Loss

If you struggle with low self esteem or low self confidence, and are overweight, you could well be forgiven for thinking that losing weight will solve all your problems and you will feel happier about yourself and life in general… But what if I told you in actual fact, the truth is most likely the other way around…

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