No Equipment Bodyweight Workout – At Home Core, Butt and Thighs Workout

5 Tips When It Comes To Weight Loss

Weight loss is progressively becoming a major dilemma for most people around the world. The standards of beauty and perfection are increasing by the day, making it more difficult for masses to feel comfortable in their skins. As a result, people are turning towards aggressive weight loss regimes that help them in attaining short-lived success that is often accompanied by severe health problems.

What Makes “Organic Food” Organic and Clean?

Organic food is a popular choice for anyone on a clean eating diet. But what makes any food “organic”? How does it cut down on pesticides in your body? This article will cover the details you need to know that will help you with eating clean. You’ll discover the specific foods that are best to eat; you’ll see the 14 foods that tested with the highest concentration of pesticides along with those that had the lowest chemical content.

Heart Healthy Foods: From Almonds to Watermellon

If you have a history of heart problems in your family you should be taking care of your diet to give yourself the maximum fighting chance against heart problems. Here are the basics that you should be aware of when planning your meals.

The Natural Eating Cycle – And How Sugar Can Disrupt It

The natural eating cycle is basic and straightforward, until it’s interrupted. Emotions can take it out of control, and so can sugar.

5 Positive Reasons Why It Benefits To Drink Copper Infused Water

Drinking water from a pure copper mug is considered very beneficial for our well-being. By storing water in one of the copper mugs, minute traces of copper will start to leach into the water.

5 Reasons Why Diets Don’t Work

A diet is simply a way of eating. A weight loss diet means you are eating in a way that makes you lose weight. But, most of these diet plans only make you lose weight by severely restricting you, and they aren’t fun.

The Effect Spices Can Have On Inflammatory Conditions!

We shouldn’t ignore the body’s signs. Have you ever noticed that when an injury happens your body tends to swell up? Our body’s natural reaction to various kinds of injuries is swelling or redness of the infected part. This automatic response of our body is known as inflammation. Basically there are two types of inflammation: Acute and Chronic. Acute inflammation is the localized response to any injuries. This reaction will help the injured body tissues to heal and restore their functions. If the inflammation stays in your body for a long time, then it is known as chronic inflammation. It is generally caused because of any infection, allergy or any autoimmune reaction. There are many anti inflammatory drugs which are generally used for reducing inflammation. But regular use of drugs normally results in side effects. The more common side effects from prolonged drug medications are indigestion, stomach ulcers; it can affect the liver and kidneys, as well as hypertension, stroke etc.

Cough Syrups for Children – To Give or Not to Give?

I know most parents don’t take a child to see the paediatrician for a simple cold and they give the “usual” medications themselves. There are however a majority of people who go around saying that these medicines don’t work and worse that they “hold the cough”,’ “aggravate the cough” and do more harm than good.

Bananas, What Are They Good for?

Bananas sure get a bad rap, don’t they? I can’t even tell you how many clients have looked at me and said, “I heard bananas are bad for you, so I don’t eat them,” and then proceed to fill me in on all the high carb, processed foods they do eat which somehow are much healthier or more acceptable than a banana. Why no love for the banana?

National Nutrition Month: New Changes Ahead for the Dietary Guidelines for Americans

It’s National Nutrition month, and what better way to celebrate than to get excited about the upcoming changes to the Dietary Guidelines? I know, it might sound a little dry, but there really is reason to take an interest. Some BIG and much needed revisions are on the horizon.

Bite Into A Healthy Lifestyle

It is great to see that Spring is definitely on the way. Now is the time to seriously focus on the Spring cleaning of the refrigerator and pantry. I agree with you–it can be a grungy job but it’s one that has to be done. It is a great chance to clear out the clutter of fossil foodstuffs beyond their date of optimum quality and nutrients. We’ve all looked into the ‘fridge and found a container that we were convinced was a science experiment! Some things probably need to go for good, some you’ll need to replenish ensuring that you have plenty of the right stuff on hand to aim for a healthier lifestyle. Here are some of my picks to stock for good health.

Genetics And Healthy Food

Hereditary diseases, also known as inherited diseases or genetic disorders, are diseases that are passed on from one generation to another through defective genes.The chromosomes in humans are responsible for passing the traits from the parent to the offspring. There are thousands of genes on the pair of chromosomes, X and Y, and each gene carries a trait. Usually genes carry normal traits, but sometimes due to reasons unknown, the genes get altered resulting in a ‘mutant’ gene.

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