Tasting IKEA PLANT BALLS + Vegan Ikea Dinner Plate

Losing Weight The Healthy Way

Maintaining a healthy weight is hard, and losing weight is even harder. For one to succeed at either task, he or she must have a well thought out stress free plan to devote to. By stress free I mean do not go extreme and eat no more of your favorite dishes just because you learned that they do contribute to weight gain.

Essential Information You Need to Know to Lose Weight Successfully and Permanently

Do you eat a lot of ‘healthy’ foods but still find it difficult to lose or maintain the weight or figure you would like? Do you believe you get plenty of exercise, but still there is no significant change in your body shape? Then maybe this information will help… My top 15 essential tips for successful, permanent weight loss

Do Health Diet Supplements Really Work?

It has been scientifically proven that loss of excess weight leads to positive emotional and physical health. However losing weight is a slow process and one needs to have an action plan and put in some extra effort to achieve desired results. Of course any good doctor will recommend that you take up exercising and improve on your diet in all possible ways which is by far the best of options but the truth is that most people find it difficult to regularly exercise while others have no time at all to exercise. It’s also true that one develops even a bigger appetite after working out.

Another Weight Loss Diet New Year’s Resolution: Another Upcoming Disappointment

Every new year, thousands of people choose a weight loss diet as their New Year’s Resolution. If you are one of these people, I have some bad news for you… You’re going to fail. It’s nothing personal. It science. UCLA studied 31 diets over multiple years and summarized that you’re actually better off having never dieted at all. Diet’s Don’t Work! C’mon, deep down I think you know that. You can succeed in losing weight but it’s more a matter of understanding your body, cleansing and nutrition.

The Incredible Weight Loss and Health Benefits of The Best Green Tea

This article discusses the numerous health benefits derived from drinking the best green tea. The more important benefit of green tea is weight loss and management. Find out how 1 to 2 cups of green tea every day can keep 50,000 calories off your weight in a year.

What Is White Mulberry Leaf?

More people are turning to supplements than ever before. This is because we live in a medicated nation and people do not like it.

Green Coffee Bean Extract for Weight Loss: Commonly Asked Questions

Green coffee bean extract, a weight loss supplement, is introduced to the health and wellness community to assist people in their aim to lose weight. It was featured on the show of a celebrated physician, and it would be safe to say that it helped spur its popularity. Now as people look for one supplement that would address their needs, it is nothing but natural that they raise a few questions.

Healthcare Gamification: Lose It! Mobile App

In April 2013, Marketdata Enterprises, Inc published its biennial report (that means once every two year!) “The U.S. Weight Loss & Diet Control Market (12th edition)”. According to the study, 108 millions American people are dieters. That’s more than a third of the entire U.S population. Marketwise, the Weight Loss market grew a 1.7% in 2012 with R $61.6 billion revenues in 2012 against $60.6 billion in 2011.

Five Great Fitness Apps to Get Working Out Right Now

Fitness apps are a convenient and cost effective way of obtaining an exercise program. Here are five fitness apps reviewed, and their functionality and benefits to the user clearly explained.

Top 10 Nutrition And Workout Tips For Women Who Want To Lose 50 Pounds In 4 Months

Although the statistics claim that men and women suffer weight issues alike, the women folk will agree it’s a tougher battle for them. Men have it easy. They can gorge on calorie-loaded servings of dessert and still stay slim. On the other hand, we women have to watch everything we put into our mouth and wait to see where it will soon show up.

Four Wellness Coach Goal Setting Tricks That Will Fool You Into Success

You’re no fool! But, you can fool yourself into reaching your lofty goals and stick to a change of habits if you apply these “fools gold” tricks. Here are four ways to make your goal setting success more guaranteed. I use a few of these with my wellness coaching clients depending on their situation and weakness. In some cases you can incorporate several of these tips and have them work together behind the scenes supporting your new habit.

How to Boost Your Energy When You’re Feeling Tired

It’s time to eliminate the “too tired” excuse. Our bodies are built for whatever we want them to do. Often times we feel tired because we aren’t doing ANYTHING about it! There are many ways to jump start your energy levels and get you pumped so that you’ll be a lot more motivated to blast through a tough workout. At the end of the day, the difference between getting a strong workout that will actually give you results vs a workout that you rushed through just to say you did it is your ability to perform at your highest level. To perform at your highest level you have to have control of how you feel, especially your energy levels. This article will outline some great tips on how to restore energy to your mind and body so that you can optimize anything you do throughout the day.

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